1. two men and alot of animal heads. grass, cage, building
Shooting from up high and looking down on a subject or shooting from below looking up on the same subject drastically impact not only the ‘look’ of the image, emphasizing different points of interest, angles, textures, shapes etc – but it also impacts the ’story’ of an image.
3. Either technique can be effective – so experiment with moving in close and personal and moving out to capture a subject in its context.
Taking shots from different angles and viewpoints.
4. The positioning with elements in a frame can leave an image feeling balanced or unbalanced.
Too many points of interest in one section of your image can leave it feeling too ‘heavy’ or complicated in that section of the shot and other parts feeling ‘empty’.
5. The colors in an image and how they are arranged can make or break a shot. Bright colors can add vibrancy, energy and interest – however in the wrong position they can also distract viewers of an image away from focal points.
Colors also greatly impact ‘mood’. Blues and Greens can have a calming soothing impact, Reds and Yellows can convey vibrancy ad energy etc.
1. silhouettes stands out because of the mystery, emotion and mood it conveys in the photo.
2. The basic strategy you’ll need to employ in taking silhouette shots is to place your subject (the shape you want to be blacked out) in front of some source of light and to force your camera to set its exposure based upon the brightest part of your picture (the background) and not the subject of your image.
3. Instead of lighting the front of your subject, in silhouettes you need to ensure that there is more light shining from the background than the foreground of your shot – or to put it another way – you want to light the back of your subject rather than the front. The perfect light for this is placing your subject in front of a sunset or sunrise – but really any bright light will be able to do the trick.
4. It should be in the background than the foreground of your shot.
5. Make sure your subject is in a nice plain, but bright background because you want to position your bright light behind your subject.
6. Also when framing you’ll probably want to photograph silhouetted people as profiles rather than looking straight on. This means that more of their features (nose, mouth, eyes) are outlined and they are more likely to be recognized.
Interpreting Mood & Emotion in Music:
Type Answers into this Document as you listen to the videos. When complete, Copy and Paste your answers into a new Blogger Post:
Title Blog Post: Emotions & Mood in Music
1. What is the mood of the 1st video?
The mood is happy and joyful; the video is for kids because of the magic.
2. What is the mood of the 2nd video?
This video was spooky and scary because the music was scary and the room was dark.
Song #1: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.
Happy, joyful, energetic, excited, hopeful
Song #2: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.
Sad, slow, depressing, upset, stiff, disappointed, deep
Song #3: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.
Exciting, happy, uplifting, inspiring,
Song #4: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.
Sad, depressing, slow, calm, brokenhearted, despairing, hopeless, devastated, useless, futile