In my essay I will be talking to you’ll about getting your image straight, rule of thirds, and how to fill your frame. I chose these three techniques because they all come together when taking a picture. For example you need to have a straight image so that people look at what is important. They also need to see the interesting things in the picture so that’s why I chose fill your frame.
The first technique I chose was rule of thirds. The basic principle behind the rule of thirds is to imagine breaking an image down into thirds. Points of interest in the intersections or along the lines that your photo becomes more balanced. Breaking some rules can result in badly taking pictures. Rule of thirds comes naturally to some photographers but for many of us it takes a little time and practice for it to become second nature.
The second technique I chose was getting your image straight. One of the most effective ways to make your digital image more interesting to the eye is to change the angle that you’re shooting from. Not only changing the angle that you shoot from impact the feeling of a size of your subject but it can have a real effect. The variety of perspectives that you can shot images from is only limited by your imagination. Putting the camera on the ground and chancing it.
The last technique I chose was fill your frame. This technique is important when taking pictures of people whose facial features tend to disappear when you move more. It can appropriate to take shots that put a person in context with environment that they are in. Crop your shots-the other option is to zoom in manually at home after you’ve taken your shots. Most photographers have a built in zoom in the form of their legs. Don’t just rely on your camera zoom but actually position yourself effectively for close in shots.
These are the reasons why I choose rule of thirds because it is important that you have balanced shot. Also I picked fill your frame because it shows what kind of environment they are in. Lastly I picked getting your image straight because it is important to have an imagination. All three of these techniques are good because once you put them together you have a great picture.
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